The American Legion Auxiliary
Unit 136 Membership
If you are a daughter or granddaughter of an American Legion Member or a daughter or granddaughter of a deceased serviceman or woman and can produce a copy of their DD214 or Honorable Discharge you are eligible to join the Auxiliary.
Florida American Legion Auxiliary information website
The American Legion Auxiliary is the largest patriotic women's service organization in the world, with near 1 million members. Affiliated with the American Legion and chartered by Congress in 1920, the Auxiliary is a veteran's service organization with members in nearly 10,000 American communities.
The organization sponsors volunteer programs on the National and Local levels, focusing on three major area: veteerans, young people and the community. We always need new members. We currently have over 500 members of Post 136 of Florida
Q: I am related to someone who served on active duty during one of the membership eligibilty dates. Can I join the Auxiliary of The American Legion?
A: If your relative who served on active duty during one of the membership eligibility dates and is a member of The American Legion, you may join the American Legion Auxiliary of The American Legion.
However, if the qualifying veteran is deceased you may join the appropriate organization, even if the qualifying veteran was not a member of The American Legion when living.
Flag Etiquette states that our flag should fly high, higher than any other flag, it should be properly illuninated at night and take in during foul weatheer. Display and handling on certain days, such as federal holidays, birthdays of presidents are especially important. The American Flag is not to be worn as a garment, it should fly high and never touch the ground, and if our flag needs to be retired it should be disposed of in a dignified manner, with all due respect, destroyed preferably by burning, which is ususally done on the 14th of June at any American Legion Post.
Contact your local American Legion Auxiliary Unit, complete the application and proudly join the local Auxiliary Chapter.
Click on for for online details.